'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 8건

  1. 2015.04.30 ∞ Au Revoir ∞
  2. 2014.07.03 \ Oblivion \
  3. 2014.06.19 \ That One Day \
  4. 2013.12.07 \ Verdict.. Misery \
  5. 2013.10.28 \ Flowers in the Attic \
  6. 2013.10.14 \ Alone Again....\
  7. 2013.10.13 \ Its All About You... \
  8. 2013.10.10 \ Infinite Cloud & A Dream \

Saying good bye or leaving isn't my thing since the day I can remember. Even the day my late grandfather send me back home to my parents I was crying like no end. Saying good bye to the place that I fall in love just got me the same effect as I leaving my family for the 2nd time. The last time I checked it was almost 10 years ago I feel this sad. It was the day I left home for study. Now, I'm leaving my 2nd family for good cause, but I don't know why it's felt so bad to leave. Second day being away from the place I call "home sweet home" makes me waking up with jolt and disoriented because my body's clock still sticking with my working shift. Its just the sad feeling come along with me until now. I wasn't aware I could fall in love with this job, this place, this environment and the peoples of course. The first day I step in Magnum Kuala Lumpur, my purpose was to earn because I have sick father at
home, I got 22k study loan to pay and I got my mother's dream to build the new house for our family. I'm not complaining that I got to do all these but I feel hopeless because I don't know where to start or what happened to me next. To think how I got to stand today alone on my own feet sort of make me said 'unbelieveable' i mean on my own term of life not comparing with others. The thought of I'm running out of time to do all these makes me desperate to earn more.

My Magnum family taught me a lot, from zero to who I am today. I wasn't Diana you know today if I didn't become part of this family. I don't even know how to set a table for customers, I don't even know how to hold a tray full with glasses until I spilled water around, thanks to Ms.Mae for letting me worked on floor section for 2 weeks. I can't deny it was awful at first, then I enjoyed it. I don't know types of spoons until they told me about it.Those experience such a big new world to me. I still remember I had the rough 1st day at Magnum..haha.. 8am till 11pm shift. I was so mad and I was wondering how the managers and the staffs could handle this tiredness. As day goes by, I got it, the tiredness is nothing when you got peoples around you that can always makes you smiles. I'm so used to live alone but being here is just such a beautiful moment because I can finally stop saying "alone". I don't deny it, I caused lots of trouble, I do mistakes etc, but I'm thankful with everyone around me, they helped me a lot. The precious thing I've learned in here is to be patient. I'm not a patient person, I used to have bad temper and when it comes to arguing its gonna be a mess, but being here taught me to be patient and I'm surprised that I could be this patient.

I'm writing this on my personal blog because this experience was one of the most beautiful experience for me so far. Maybe my point of view is different with others but that how its work in this life. Every person has their own POV and their own story. I don't easily get excited to something, but when I do its gonna be a lifetime moment. Magnum's Family was one of the moment that makes me excited every time I'm thinking about it. I have issues with trusting peoples but Magnum changed me. I used to be pessimist but slowly I'm trying to move on and being an optimist. Meeting beautiful person like them was a moment that I want to remember and treasure for the rest of my life. Despite the religion, race, color, language barrier we are able to communicate and working together without failed. I don't feel like I was a stranger among them and I don't feel any difference around them. The best thing that I can say in here is, they make me smile. Why?... Because I always wish I could smile or giggle sometimes because I wasn't one before. Magnum make me feel like I was born again for better purpose in life. This is why I told them, I'm the one that thankful for this family and experience. I hope I could always smile like I was in Magnum forever. Now, I'm not there anymore. I have to continue my journey. I still have a very long journey to go through. Yes, my heart heavy like I can't handle anymore whenever I think about leaving this family, but sometimes we need to sacrifice something that we like or love to please others. In my case, I have a big responsibility to carry on my shoulder. I didn't leave for my own pleasure. Like I always said, life is a one way road, you can't go back to pick up something you left behind but you can always grab all the things that coming toward you. At the end of the day, those moments going to be your life partner and something you can treasure as long as you still breathing. Thank you Magnum Family. Till we meet again. I wish all the best to all of you. Thank you for letting me stay for awhile. To the managers, you guys rock. Partner in crime Ms.Mae, I'll be your doraemon forever :) . Love, Diana.

P/S: That's my partner in crime :)

Posted by DeexWhy

\ Oblivion \

카테고리 없음 2014. 7. 3. 18:30

Oblivion; unaware or unconscious of what is happening around one. Yeah that's my fear for now. Not because I'm drown into "The Fault in Our Stars" book but this is it, the feeling or situation that yourself can't even explain in a simple word. I myself, always think of something ridiculous or magic gonna happen to my life but I guess I need to wait or in my case I need to struggle. The oblivion i'm talking about is about myself, I live in a place where I'm all alone by myself and I guess that's my fault for not having many friends. There's the time I need someone to talk or shoulder to cry on. I always feel numb on my own feeling and I feel like my whole world empty and I dont know what's happening on that moment. You know that every person always have the one day, where everything isn't right no matter what you do. I had that moment quite a lot but I can't do anything about it. I worried sick what's gonna happen to my family and myself of course. I only have parents and a sister yet I couldnt do anything for them. That little thing really bother me so much. As much as I can't breathe when I cry so hard, that's how I feel. 

I'm afraid I don't have much time, either one of us gonna go someday, yeah that's reality which I refuse to talk about. Maybe myself or maybe them. As much as I want to make them feel happy, I have no strength to stand again and do something. I'm getting older so they are and getting hurt by others is one of the matters that make me feel so small. I only have God to talk with and only to Him I cry myself out loud. Sometimes I feel ashamed, asking for more from Him while I'm just a useless human being. At some point, I'd rather let myself being hurt by others instead of knowing my parents being hurt. I don't mind peoples talking bad about me because I know I'm not a good person but I want to be a good child to my parents. I couldnt do much in this life I guess. Its not like i'm giving up, but sometimes when you're hanging with one hand to survive, you need to sacrifice yourself so that others would safe and sound. I will not giving up for my family, not even having a second thought. I believe everyone want their own life pleasure, so do I, but since I was small I have this one goal which is, giving my parents what they dont have. I'm not going to blame anyone especially parents but I do blame myself for this whole thing. Dear myself, there will always a way and for now I want to believe in magic that exist in this world and of course God's power. Hang in there dear little heart, hurting yourself can be more worthy than let the peoples you love hurts by others.

Posted by DeexWhy

That one day ..there will always a day that gonna make you wanna cry out loud and not to say anything to anyone. I've been there few times and whenever I felt that way, I wouldn't able to think straight. This time I feel numb. Totally outrages and I have no vision what is gonna come to me next. I wish magic is exist for this moment so that everyone can be happy.

"When all that you've tried, leaves nothing but holes inside"

Posted by DeexWhy

Cloud so gloomy today.. which mean winter in west area has begin...for me live in east coast Asia we only received the rainy day more than usual. Been feeling grumpy as usual with this kind of gloomy season. I've been so boring these days. I dont know what to watch or what to do..yeah,i'm working but not like i need to work 24 hours tho i worked 7 days a week.  Almost to the end of this year in few weeks. We're gonna say good bye to 2013 and hello to 2014. Its been a tough few months for me. Not be able to go home and smells the scent of the place where I grew up and playing with the cats that become our family members. Being a person that has lots pair of eyes on you sometimes makes you feel so tired and annoyed. The verdict among them become a misery to me. I'm not a small kid that they can toy or fools me around. I have my own life to live, I have my own priority to take care and I do have my own personal feeling to settle out. I do have feeling, yes I do. For some reasons I think people doesnt see me that way. All my opinions they see as condemnation of their act of valor. It's like I have no right to speak out. I'm 25 turn to 26 so soon. I'm an adult and I believe there is no adult in this world never make any mistakes. Anger and revenge could be human's weakness. Spit it out you'll burned the whole village. 

The idea of having personal SNS (social networking service) is to let everyone expressing their opinion in term of "point of view" not condemnation. Peoples need to learn this and need to understand clearly what does this point mean. If you think with "one way" sign inside your head, you'll crashed with every single things that come from opposite way. As long as there's no specific name mentioned on their social media's raging, never point your finger and say "why are you talking about me on twitter/facebook/tumblr?, do you have any proof? bla bla bla" .At that point what do you get?? You just let the cat out of the bag. The fact that person doesnt talk about you and you're pointing your filthy finger trying to make thing straight but actually you're making it worst. In my opinion, being on SNS is mean "anonymously speaking out like a boss". You wont know the person's full/real name unless they openly mentioned it or talking with a "verified" account. Yes, I'm might one rebellious fella among the others, but I'm just being myself. We live in this world with different point of view, you can't judge others by knowing her/him only for few minutes. You might take your whole life to understand one person but to condemn each of their movement is just so wrong. They have their own purpose, protecting what's theirs or maybe to take care something that you don't want to understand. Please human, civilize yourself. I'm no good to everyone, yes that's right but do I owe you anything? If I do yes please tell me. Sometimes, I just wish I'm a billionaire so that I could bring my family away from here. Please human, I'm sick of being judge.

Posted by DeexWhy

Quick stuff to post in here cuz I've been trying hard not to forget my old obsession which is reading. I might be melancholic type of person to read such a drama types of books and mostly romance,fantasy and real life kind of genre. I'm not interested on action movie unless its a superhero types.. Haha.. I know this is sounds so typical but everyone has their own kind of interest. If everyone came in the same size or interest, life might be so boring. 

Few days ago, I'm doing survey on Goodreads website to search some fictional books. Found this tittle of books and its an old fictional book. Its also has been adapted into a movie but i heard its not a success. So, I found the epub on internet . The book's tittle is "Flowers in the Attic" . Written by V.C. Andrews and this novel published on 1979. This novel is the 1st book in The Dollanganger Series which have few follow up novels. I just started few pages and this is why i have the idea to post it in here. This novel might be an old one and even got banned in US itself cuz of the content. I shall not to write the whole story here but i'll share the e-book file for this book . This book worth to read and as i'm flipping the next pages, you can also get the copy here ^^ ~ enjoy!


V C Andrews - Flowers in the Attic.epub

Posted by DeexWhy

Typical Monday which feels like everything is sucks...I drank fiber drinks last night which making me went to toilet back and forth this morning but I thats what I want, trying to clean my stomach. A little mad cuz of my pharmacist here..he suppose to be a pharmacist that have awesome experience in his working field, somehow to me he just a lazy old man..do his work when he thinks its important and he needs to do. Disappointed for that attitude..While me? Its less than a year I'm working in this field which is not my major...hmm...now i starts to ranting again..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ i'm gonna stop .. Actually,tomorrow is a Muslim celebration day,..EidulAdha... this will be the second time I will celebrate such a day alone..its happened before..last year during EidulFitri...but doesnt matter i guess..tho my heart saying i miss my family so much but i do know they will always near in my heart..I just need to endure and be patient..because i know someday I will be with them forever..i need to work hard for future...oh well,i do check on my twitter timeline few times today,cuz i dont feel like want to tweet..i see peoples spazzing about 소녀시대 concert in Singapore last Saturday...I'm a fans of them, but to be one that loyal to them its expensive..its not like i'm giving up being a fans,its just i'm being a "cheap" fans here >.< ..after all,Salam Aidiladha to all Muslims from all over the world...I miss my family so much but this year i will celebrating alone with my aunt's family...Dear parents and siblings..its all about distance but our hearts never be apart..its always together and it will never ever torn apart! I love you Mom,Dad and Sis...I miss you so much !!


Posted by DeexWhy

Its Sunday again in here ...and its a sunny day! compared to yesterday,it was so gloomy...raining all day long making my work shift so gloomy and blue..i wasnt aware how weather could change human's mood..I guess i'm a little late to explore about this but now i do understand why novels,dramas or movies always related to weather..its funny tho since i have to work alone till evening while rain was pouring down like a girl crying over a breakup ..i was smiling tho ..reminded me how i made my way to here ...i was crying like a kid missing her mom..crying easily tho everyone around me encourage to be more strong..i do not care them all..how childish an adult can be when they lost something they want in life..thats how i feel .. i went to work and classes but i feel lifeless..i feel nothing..its because my feeling more hurt than my physical i guess..well, thats an old story of mine...i do not wish to remember any of them anymore...once in awhile is okay to bring back the memories is ok...this is how I remind myself not to repeat the past....to think of it..this song suddenly come up into my head..i'd enjoy this song as it really explained how two peoples deeply fall in love :) 


Posted by DeexWhy

the rain drop seems like a lullaby to me..making my head flew away somewhere..somewhere that I've been before...I used to write a blog to rant about how life being cruel to me..but when I think about it..its seems so wrong to rant about those stuff... Those infinite cloud that i cant see with my eyes...i want to make it a dream...to grab the highest cloud that even eyes couldnt see them. I'm trying to make this blog as a place that i'm sharing my thought,feeling,hobbies or interesting stuff that i think i must let everyone know about it.. few things everyone might see from my blog regularly...scenery,rain,sky,sea,flowers,trees and animal..those are my favorites ..from this blog,i also hope that i could make some friends to share about thought and hobbies or maybe experience. 

Posted by DeexWhy