Cloud so gloomy today.. which mean winter in west area has begin...for me live in east coast Asia we only received the rainy day more than usual. Been feeling grumpy as usual with this kind of gloomy season. I've been so boring these days. I dont know what to watch or what to do..yeah,i'm working but not like i need to work 24 hours tho i worked 7 days a week. Almost to the end of this year in few weeks. We're gonna say good bye to 2013 and hello to 2014. Its been a tough few months for me. Not be able to go home and smells the scent of the place where I grew up and playing with the cats that become our family members. Being a person that has lots pair of eyes on you sometimes makes you feel so tired and annoyed. The verdict among them become a misery to me. I'm not a small kid that they can toy or fools me around. I have my own life to live, I have my own priority to take care and I do have my own personal feeling to settle out. I do have feeling, yes I do. For some reasons I think people doesnt see me that way. All my opinions they see as condemnation of their act of valor. It's like I have no right to speak out. I'm 25 turn to 26 so soon. I'm an adult and I believe there is no adult in this world never make any mistakes. Anger and revenge could be human's weakness. Spit it out you'll burned the whole village.
The idea of having personal SNS (social networking service) is to let everyone expressing their opinion in term of "point of view" not condemnation. Peoples need to learn this and need to understand clearly what does this point mean. If you think with "one way" sign inside your head, you'll crashed with every single things that come from opposite way. As long as there's no specific name mentioned on their social media's raging, never point your finger and say "why are you talking about me on twitter/facebook/tumblr?, do you have any proof? bla bla bla" .At that point what do you get?? You just let the cat out of the bag. The fact that person doesnt talk about you and you're pointing your filthy finger trying to make thing straight but actually you're making it worst. In my opinion, being on SNS is mean "anonymously speaking out like a boss". You wont know the person's full/real name unless they openly mentioned it or talking with a "verified" account. Yes, I'm might one rebellious fella among the others, but I'm just being myself. We live in this world with different point of view, you can't judge others by knowing her/him only for few minutes. You might take your whole life to understand one person but to condemn each of their movement is just so wrong. They have their own purpose, protecting what's theirs or maybe to take care something that you don't want to understand. Please human, civilize yourself. I'm no good to everyone, yes that's right but do I owe you anything? If I do yes please tell me. Sometimes, I just wish I'm a billionaire so that I could bring my family away from here. Please human, I'm sick of being judge.